Great Blue Heron #147
$ 225.00
Hummingbird & Flowers Pattern #31
This bird & flowers has 40 pieces of wood.
Pau Amerillo, ( Yellowheart ), Bloodwood,
American Poplar, Aspen, Western Red Cedar,
and Nogal, ( Tropical Walnut )
Bird and flowers sells for $118.00 Canadian
Hummingbire #1, Pattern #23 & 32-A
With plaque #32 No Plaque 32-A
22 pieces of wood, Western Red Cedar, Aspen, American Poplar, Bloodwood, Hard Maple, Pau Amerillo, ( yellowheart )
With Plaque $34.00 Canadian
No Plaque $29.00 Canadian
Love Birds Pattern # 40 13-1/2" X 11"
75 Pieces of wood.
The one on the right is all natural wood colours.
The other two are many different woods, and fabric dyes.
$165.00 Canadian
Single Umbrella Cockatoo Pattern #67
18" X 8-1/2"
67 pieces of wood
Aspen, Western Red Cedar, and
Eastern White Cedar
$164.00 Canadian
Great Blue Heron
Pair of Umbrella Cockatoos Pattern #68
19-1/2" X 12"
111 Pieces of wood
Aspen, Western Red Cedar,
Eastern White Cedar, Nogal ( Tropical Walnut $270.00 Canadian
Eeagle Feathers Pattern #76
70 Pieces of wood.
12" high By 11-1/2" wide
Aspen ( white )
Pau Amerillo ( yellow )
Western Red Cedar ( feathers )
Eastern White Cedar ( feather Quill )
$165.00 Canadian
Bald Eagle Head #-2
Pattern # 155
40 Pieces of wood
81-1/2" By 11"
$ 89.00 Canadian
Eagle With Fish Pattern #84
30" High By 18" Wide
120 Pieces of wood.
Western Red Cedar ( dabrown)Eastern White Cedar ( bottom of fish )
Aspen ( white head )
Basswood ( white tail )
Aromatic Cedar ( top of fish )
Pau Amarillo ( yellow )
African Padauk ( red )
Large Bald Eagle Pattern #94
51" Wide By 20" High 1056 Pieces of wood
Western Red Cedar, ( darkened with torch )
Aspen, Pau Amerillo, $490.00 Canadian
There is a smaller version of this piece,
37" By 15" Pattern #87 $288.00 Canadian
- Bald Eagle Head Pattern #95 $58.00 Canadian
Feathers Pattern #96 By Bill Dopson $58.00 Canadian
- Parrot in tree is priced at $185.00 Canadian