Pattern # 29 By Bill Dopson
76 Pieces of wood
Western Red Cedar
Eastern White Cedar
African Padauk
Gold Paint
$ 230.00
All Three of these photos are horses made from the same pattern, but no two are identical. This is the same with all of my pieces, there are no two that are identical. This is Pattern #74, Warriors Pony, It is 17" X 13-1/2. It is made with 60 pieces of wood, I do not always use the same species of wood, this is an example of what was used in on of the horses. Spalted Basswood, Nogal (Brazilian Walnut, African Padauk, and Western Red Cedar. The Warriors Pony sells f or $169.00 Canadian.
Pattern # 127
This is not Intarsia like most of my pieces. It is fret work and is made of Baltic Birch plywood on top of a dark brown Hardboard background. I sometimes us Baltic Birch for the background and use fabric dye for different colours.
This plaque is 8-1/2" X 11"
Standing Horse
Pattern #12 By Bill Dopson
This is the first pattern that I drew myself, many many years ago.
It has 36 pieces of wood.
Western Red Cedar, & Nogal.
I learned about many things that one should not do when drawing a pattern.
It is 15" X 14"
Priced at $82.00 Canadian.
Draft Horse, Pattern # 1
This horse is made with 42 pieces of wood.
Western Red Cedar, Aspen,
and Nogal ( Tropical Walnut )
It is 14" X 15"
Price is $130.00 Canadian.
Horse Head Pattern # 114
This piece is 18" X 17-1/2"
It is made with 28 pieced of wood.
Western Red Cedar, Aspen,
Nogal ( Tropical Walnut ) and Ebony.
I Use many different species of wood
when making these horses.
Orice is $ 118.00 Canadian
Laughing Paint Horse Pattern #86
61 Pieces of wood 17" wide By 13" high
Western Red Cedar, Eastern White Cedar,
Butternut ( White Walnut )
Spanish Cedar, Nogal (Tropical Walnut )
Basswood, and Aspen.
$159.00 Canadian
Fretwork Horse #1
Pattern # 98
8-1/2" By 11"
Baltic Birch mounted on a dark
brown hardboard background.
Shire Horse Pattern #109 By Bill Dopson $129.00
Fret Work Horse - 2 Pattern 126
8-1/2" X 11"
Baltic Birch Olywood